Developing Smart Home Products faster with ESP32
The talk and workshop will enable the audience to start prototyping for Smart Home products faster, using the Espressif ESP32 based solutions. They can then focus on their core competencies and business logic.instead of spending time on common requirements for any IoT product (like Wi-Fi provisioning, cloud connectivity, phone app development, etc.)
Objective of the workshop
Building production-ready firmware for IoT products can be hard. It involves multiple questions and decisions about the best ways of doing things. It involves building phone applications and integrating cloud agents to get all the features done. What if there was a ready reference, a known set of best steps, gathered from previous experience of others, that you could jumpstart with? This workshop aims at introducing such references built and made available in the open-source by Espressif, the makers of the popular ESP8266 and ESP32 chips.
Who can attend this workshop?
The workshop can be attended by anyone who is interested in building IoT products based on ESP32 or wants to add connectivity to an existing product. It could be a student, a hobbyist, a developer or a product manager.
What all will be covered in the workshop?
The workshop will be focused on getting started for building products based on ESP32. It will demonstrate how to build firmware for a fully functional, ready to deploy “Smart Power Outlet” in a sequence of incremental tutorial steps. Each step addresses either a user-workflow or a developer workflow. Each step is an application built with ESP-IDF, ESP32’s software development framework. There will also be an introduction to newer offerings from Espressif. If time permits, there can be some hands-on training as well.
Benefits/Takeaways of this workshop for the attendees
Attending the workshop will help you understand the various components typically required in building IoT products. It will also help get an introduction to the various software offerings by Espressif which can ease the development of their ESP8266 and ESP32 families of chips.
Pre-Requisites for Course
A basic idea of IoT systems and some knowledge of C-programming will help but is not necessary. If time permits, there could be hands-on training as well. That would require that the ESP IDF is set up on your laptops by following the instructions here:
About Speakers
Piyush Shah has over 10+ years of experience working in the field of Internet of Things. Being a part of various product teams, right from the very early days of IoT, and having worked with a large number of customers, he has a deep understanding of typical customer requirements and ways to address them. He has extensively worked on SDKs for IoT in general, and Apple HomeKit based Smart Home Products in particular. He is an alumnus of the Electronics and Telecommunications Branch of College of Engineering, Pune.

Piyush Shah
Product Manager, Espressif Systems India Pvt. Ltd.